Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Chehalis, WA - Naselle, WA (89 Mile day!)
I was woken up early by my good old friend Tom Weber, at 4:30am. I say "old" because he is 70 years young and still out riding me! And I say "good" because he may be reading this on his iPad! I was very tired and the sun had not yet come up! I slowly got up and moved around like a zombie for most of the morning and loaded my stuff into the van! Breakfast was provided by our wonderful church host at Faith Baptist Church! We had pancakes, eggs, sausage, orange juice, and oatmeal! A great and healthy way to wake up and start the day! We said a cheerful Oyee for the church as a team, and then hit the road around 6:30am! The first 20 miles weren't very hard, but took a good amount of time. I road with my buddies Mike Haiderer and Carmen Price. We kept up the same pace to the second rest stop and even had Sarah Robbins join the group! After the second rest stop I saw a post office and decided to pick up some stamps to mail letters to various friends! However, after buying some wonderful stamps, that for some reason were from Arizona, poor Carmen got a flat tire. We changed it quickly and then we were back on our way. It took us another 40 miles to catch up with Mike and Sarah. Finally we all road in together! It was a long ride, but it was nice to get off the saddle and have a shower and some lactose free chocolate milk! We had a delicious meatloaf, potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and salad provided by the host church! They had plenty of food! And plenty of cupcakes!!
After being stuffed I helped clean some dishes while Tom supervised! Then a big group of us riders went over to the girls building to do a yoga video off of Jenn's computer! It was a great stretch! I went to bed at 10:21pm, but our fearless leader Allen was still working hard on the computer! He's a tough guy!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Naselle, OR - Tillamook, OR (82 mile day!)

Mike and I cut up an orange shirt that he bought at a thrift store to use for the "Ragman" devotion tomorrow morning! And that night at dinner Sarah made me some delicious pancakes covered with peanut butter, sliced bananas and honey! MMMmmm, time for bed!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Tillamook, OR - NewPort, OR (75 miles)
Started the morning with a 6:00am breakfast! It was nice to sleep in a little bit, a good reprieve! Again I was in early morning zombie mode, but managed to get a bagel from the end of breakfast! Covered it with peanut butter and was ready to go back to bed! ...but instead had to mount the bike and start pedaling! Mike and I led the devotion for that morning, we read the story of "The Ragman" --->http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/jbrown/ragman.html Then we handed out pieces of an orange shirt that we had cut up to use as rags. Some of us tied them to our wrists, I tied mine to my ankle, along with my Road ID band, and magnet necklace, I think it all looked pretty great! I lead the Oyee to thank Bethel Baptist church for hosting us! We had a pretty good start, but I spent too much time at the first rest stop and found that the dumpster was filled with ice cream that the shop had just thrown away... it was very tempting to eat some of the snickers bars/ klonidkes! They were still "luke cold" but I decided in my better judgement not to! So we headed on! Carmen got 2 more flats that we promptly changed! And then we headed on (again)! Sarah Doren and Tom Weber were sweeps today! (meaning that they stayed behind everyone and were the last to the church! But they get the reward of being first for dinner!) The last rest stop of the day was at a "view point" along the Pacific ocean! It was a beautiful sight, and they're were even whales out in the distant shores that we saw every now and then! It was a very great rest stop! Maybe one of the bests in FCBA history!

We pushed on to the church! Before heading to the pool to pay $2 for showers, a few of us decided to go to the local bike shop in Newport for some maintenance and new tubes! The bike shop owners was very gracious and gave us all a 10% discount when we told him that we were riding for a nonprofit! Then he even offered all of us that were there a shower upstairs in the shop! It was very kind of him, and about four of us all had nice hot showers for free! Sarah Robbins went in looking for a new seat, but they didn't have any softer ones in stock. So the owner took one off of an old bike and gave it to her for $20! There really are wonderful people out there! We came back to the Presbyterian Church for a spaghetti dinner provided by their youth group! I warmed up one of my double chocolate chip muffins that I picked up at the start of the trip in Seattle! It was a delicious dessert to a delicious meal! I also went to the local walmart and picked up some rubber bands to help store my patched tubes, and some batteries with a charger for my camera, so now I can take more pictures! :D
Now it's time for bed and resting up! 100 mile day tomorrow!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Newport, OR - Northbend, OR (98.5 miles!)
It's our first "close to" century ride for the trip so far! I awoke on a nice cushy and comfy couch! I think I slept the whole night without waking up once! A great sleep! A heavy rain had set in last night, which now had let up to a misty drizzle! It was still pretty nippy outside, around 55 degrees! I was not looking forward to this ride so much without the sun, and heavy fog present!

Luckily the breakfast team got up early and made eggs with a potato mix for us! It was a really great meal, and I finished off the left over eggs, along with the help of my side kick Lisa Corsi! We were both pretty full though! We started the ride off pretty slow, trudging through the puddles and mist from the cars! Carmen, Sarah and I all started off together, but Sarah picked up the pace, because she was getting too cold! My hands were a slight bit numb as we descended from the hills! I enjoyed the conversation with Carmen, it made the ride go by faster! And I kept thinking that it couldn't be rainy/foggy all day, because we are going a distance of 100 miles! At the first rest stop I was still pretty full so I just decided to drink some honey for some quick carbs and sugar! It worked pretty well, but by mile 30 I was starting to get hungry! Finally we reached mile 45 and the next rest stop! The sun had started to come out and the sun was a warm welcome! It still remained foggy along the coast, but when we veered inland it was very warm!

There was a cat at the second rest stop that reminded me of our last cat Smokey! Except a lot more friendly! We were eating when another biker came up and told us that the two people sweeping for us (Tom and Tim) were having a serious bike problem and needed the van to go back for them! Luckily no one was hurt, but Tim's back derailleur had broke off and hit jammed his back spokes, breaking a few! It was a new bike too, only 3 months old. Unfortunately the warranty only covered the frame, so he had to foot the bill himself, and had to wait in the van until we reached Eureka, CA before the bike shop could fix it! The next segment was very pretty and lots of greenery all along the road! I road with former rider Rae and we had a good talk about life and food! She kept pointing out the raspberries on the side of the road, but said she wasn't tall enough to pick them! I took that as a hint, so we stopped and had a few! ...They were very sour however, so we just mashed the leftover ones onto each other during our raspberry fight! When we came to the rest stop everyone thought that we had a bad accident! But, after explaining it kind of made sense.. but not really! At the rest stop we saw a woman running with a stick who stopped and started to talk to us. She was with a group who were running from Alaska to Guatemala as a form of tribal prayer for world peace! It was very interesting, they only run about 6-12 miles a day! Finally riding the last segment was beautiful, the sun was completely out and it had warmed up into the 80's. I had the rest of the animal crackers mounted to my handlebars and pedaled my way into North Bend! I caught up with Sarah and we had a nice talk along with a great tail wind that really made the final stretch a great one! And we were both very happy to get off of the bikes for the day! After entering the town I stopped off with Mike and Hannah and we got milkshakes! It was a good way to refuel! Then we finished up the last 5 miles and made it to the church! Taco salad for dinner, along with the left over refried beans! I wouldn't suggest eating just refried beans! I was stuffed afterwards and had to lay down for awhile! Slept on a church pew and am very ready for a 7:12am breakfast in the morning!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
North Bend, OR - Port Orford, OR (55 miles!)

Sunday, July 22, 2012
Off Day in Port Orford, OR (0 miles!)

Monday, July 23, 2012
Port Orford, OR - Crescent City, CA! (85 miles!)
It was an exciting morning! I slept in my bike clothes so that I was ready when I woke up! I sat there stirring the oatmeal for about 20 minutes before it was ready! We made 35 servings! Everyone came in and we all ate, it was pretty delicious oatmeal if I may so say myself! After that we had a devotion lead by Allen, he read Mother Teresa's poem "Do it Anyway" http://www.turnbacktogod.com/mother-teresa-poem-do-it-anyway/

Tuesday, July 24, 2012\
Crescent City, CA - Eureka, CA (84.9 miles)
I woke up a little late this morning, missing out on helping stir the oatmeal, but I think my team was okay without my skills! I was pretty sluggish moving around this morning. After breakfast we had a nice devotion in song led by Jenn. She picked out the song Beautiful Things, by Gungor. --->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR7VOKQ0xJY It was a very beautiful and wonderful song to start the day with! I loved having it on my mind all day long! After the devotion I grabbed a pump to fill my back tire. After adding some air, I started to hear a leak. Mike and Jenn were sweeping today, so I let them know. Mike took off my tire and said I needed a new one, then put on a new tube with a new tire.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Off day in Eureka, CA (7 miles!)
I woke up to my phone ringtone. I had forgot to set it on silent mode before bed and my dad was calling me. It was about 7:15am, very early! I got up and went down stairs to call him back. We had a good talk and recalled some old friend's names! Then I grabbed a couple of things to eat and went back upstairs. I tried to wake Sarah up to go get breakfast, but both of us just ended up going back to sleep. The room had no windows, so it was completely dark! Finally we got up around 10:30am and decided to head to Denny's.